I gave up. A couple of weeks back, I turned my mono-boot Vista laptop into a mono-boot Ubuntu laptop with a screwed-up Vista configuration. I tried everything I could think of, but couldn’t get Vista back… so my laptop is currently on its way to Acer’s support HQ in Plymouth, where its hard disk will be re-flashed to its original Vista factory setup. Here ends another excursion into Linux territory.
Inevitably, my fingers have been burned, and I’m reluctant to try it all again. To be honest, I’ll probably wait until Ubuntu releases its next edition in October, and install it to a (bootable) USB memory stick. I really like the ability to boot into Ubuntu… in some situations, it’s just better than Vista, simple as that. But I can’t risk losing Vista again. I can chuck a USB stick in the laptop bag, giving me the best of both worlds, at a cost of under ยฃ20 from Amazon (for a whopping 4GB).
Oh, and to answer the inevitable question: no, I don’t think Ubuntu is ready for the desktop. Not quite, not yet. But I certainly am not betting against them. Let’s see what October brings.