Puffbox, the Wales Office and the FOI request

Someone, somewhere is apparently interested in Puffbox’s relationship with the Wales Office. Interested enough to dig beyond the lengthy blog posts I’ve written here on the subject. Interested enough to lodge an FOI request, asking for publication of all invoices and correspondence from May to December 2012.
The result was published this week on the Wales Office website – ironically enough, on the FOI Disclosure Log I built for them. It consists of 132 pages of painstakingly redacted emails – although given that Puffbox Ltd is one person, redaction doesn’t exactly cover my tracks! – plus a single invoice, for ยฃ130 ex VAT, for a copywriting job.
Of course, I have no way of knowing who it was who lodged the request, or what he/she hoped to find. If you’re reading this, please feel free to get in touch directly: I don’t believe I have anything to hide.

3 thoughts on “Puffbox, the Wales Office and the FOI request”

  1. That is odd, did they just want to find out if you emailed in Welsh?
    Doing the FOI response/redacting must have cost the Wales Office more than you invoiced them for in the first place.

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