Telegraph going big on TV

So I guess we know what big things Shane at the Telegraph was talking about (presumably?). The Guardian reveals that there are to be ‘seven new (online) TV programmes, including … a weekly political talkshow featuring Conservative MP Ann Widdecombe.’ And as the Telegraph’s Guy Ruddle isn’t shy about declaring, ‘It is political TV with bias.’ So… Doughty Street with brand names, then?

I must admit, I’d missed the fact that ‘As part of a resource reallocation, stopped its daily news podcast and its Telegraph PM pdf download at the end of the last year.’ But I’m not entirely surprised.

I’m increasingly of the opinion that podcasts will find it hard to bag a slot in most people’s daily lives (except perhaps for Tube commuters). But TV-via-broadband is definitely a goer. As mentioned here before, I’ve now got a Wii in the living room – and its main use has been as a big-screen web browser. Sitting down for a bit of YouTubing is becoming a regular event, and feels entirely natural.

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