So who's getting Miliband?

A lot of speculation this evening about the fate of Britain’s most web-friendly Cabinet minister, David Miliband, in tomorrow morning’s reshuffle. Miliband’s profile is certainly ‘on the up’ – but then again, environment is certainly the hot topic (pardon the pun) at the moment. A stronger Defra, perhaps with energy policy moved over from DTI, might be an effective promotion without the hassle of moving offices. But a couple of hacks, including the FT and Newsnight, have chucked in the possibility of a move to the Foreign Office. Again, given the international element in Miliband’s existing remit, it could be a logical and natural step up. (‘Energy security and climate change‘ is one of the explicit objectives of the FCO.)

Why would readers of this here blog be bovvered? Well, it’s my understanding that the first instruction Miliband issued when he walked through the door at Defra was to move his blog over from his former department (ODPM). Which Whitehall web team, if any, is going to have an even busier morning than expected?

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